Last week I spent four incredible days with 44 other emerging leaders of the third-sector, on the American Express Leadership Academy delivered by Common Purpose in London. I’d never really considered myself as a leader in the past. I’d managed projects, managed staff, managed budgets, but that’s where I drew the line. Was I really a leader? And what makes a good leader?
Posts in the Opinion category:
YouTube Highlights: Every Frame a Painting – Tony Zhou

Over the last year or two I’ve been really heavily impressed, inspired and influenced by YouTube Content Creators so I want to set aside some time on this blog to share my appreciation of them, to let you know why I think they’re great and why they are worth your time watching. Next up, Every Frame a Painting.
Measuring Success
When it comes to your own life, how do you measure success? Is it the amount of money you earn? The kind of car you have? How big your TV is? Is it how attractive your partner is? What school your children go to? Is it the impact of your work, or your contribution to your community? Is it serving your country, or is it challenging others to think differently?
YouTube Highlights: Geek & Sundry
Over the last year or two I’ve been really heavily impressed, inspired and influenced by YouTube Content Creators so I want to set aside some time on this blog to share my appreciation of them, to let you know why I think they’re great and why they are worth your time watching. Next up, Geek & Sundry.
When Real Life Gets In The Way
When I first started this blogging I updated this site once in the first nine months. When I came back to it, I set myself the goal of using my time more productively and gave myself the challenge to update this blog twice a week, once on a Monday and again on a Thursday. But at times, even that modest target has been difficult to meet consistently when life demands attention.
#PigGate – the perfect Hambush or a load of porkies?
I woke up this morning, like I do most mornings, with bleary eyes and a slightly sore head. It took a while for my sight to focus but when it eventually settled the red LED of my alarm clock read 06:15. I was running late. Panic. “How could I sleep through my alarm? I did set it didn’t I?” These thoughts rush through my head as I grab my phone and see a text from my friend. Relief. He was also running late – we’d meet up in half an hour. Little did I know I’d slept through one of the most bizarre news incidents in British political history.
What is Popular Culture?
I’m a big fan of popular culture. I like spotting pop culture references in TV, video games, films and comic books. I like seeing how people react to popular culture and I like seeing how culture becomes popular. But what exactly is popular culture?
Genre and Narrative: Analysing Die Hard
In this blog post I will be investigating the action/adventure film field and considering the importance of genre and narrative, with reference to both theorists (namely Vladimir Propp and Tzvetan Todorov) and the seminal 1988 Bruce Willis box-office hit: Die Hard. Not only is it one of my favourite films of all time – every Christmas at Tyneside Cinema it gets screened and I’m always there! – but it truly has something for everyone. Warning: spoilers ahead!
Deconstructing Casey Neistat
In Monday’s blog I spotlighted the work of Casey Neistat and why he’s such an influential figure in the world of YouTube. In this blog, I’m going to break down some of his techniques and show why he’s such a successful filmmaker.
YouTube Highlights: Casey Neistat
In this series I’m highlighting the YouTubers that have impressed, inspired, and influenced me over the last few years. I want to show my appreciation for them in this blog and let you know why they are worth keeping an eye on. Up next, Casey Neistat.