How to fix Windows December 2020 update BSOD loop with vgk.sys and CorsairVBusDriver.sys


If you’re stuck in a BSOD loop, can’t use your keyboard to enter safe mode, and have Valorant and/or Corsair Unity Engine installed with either vgk.sys or CorsairVBusDriver.sys highlighted as what failed, then use Command Prompt to find and delete both of them. They conflict with the most recent Windows December 2020 update.


Revolution Software 25th Anniversary (and what point and click games mean to me)

Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars

This year sees British games firm Revolution Software celebrate their 25th anniversary. If you aren’t aware of the name, you will be aware of some of the games they’ve been responsible for, chiefly the Broken Sword series. I write for and edit a video games website and we’re currently working on a series of content to celebrate the work of Charles Cecil’s company. I recently reviewed the original Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars and more content is on the way so if Broken Sword and point and click adventure games are your bag then you should definitely check it out and join in the conversation.


Project Arklay – A Modern Day Text Adventure


I’ve got fond memories of text adventure games. One of the first video games I ever played was Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. On DOS. On a now archaic PC. That’s why I’m really excited to have the opportunity to work with my good friend David Nimmo on a text adventure of our own – Project Arklay.


Best of the Worst – Virtual Hydlide

Virtual Hydlide Best of the Worst

So I was talking to one of my old university lecturers on Twitter about bad videogames and I remembered a real stinker I played back in the day on the Sega Saturn called Virtual Hydlide. I dug out an old review I did of it and thought I’d share it. Interestingly, this game was so bad it prompted a series of pieces called ‘Best of the Worst’ where I reviewed the worst games I could get my hands on. There’s more where this came from…
